- Here is all the known frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Sasta Refund.
Q1: What does Sasta Refund cover for orders ?
A: Sasta Refund includes both free cancellation and free modification.
Q2: How many times can a passenger use cancellation/modification through Sasta Refund?
A: Cancellation or modification can only be utilized once per passenger.
Q3: Can a customer use both modification and cancellation for free under Sasta Refund?
A: No, the customer can either cancel or modify their booking once for free, not both.
Q4: What happens if a passenger partially cancels their ticket using Sasta Refund?
A: The customer may partially cancel their ticket before the first leg's departure. However, if they later request to cancel or modify the remaining leg, standard airline penalties will apply.
Q5: When does Sasta Refund expire?
A: It expires one minute before the departure time of the first leg of the journey.
Q6: What amount should be refunded to the user when free cancellation is exercised?
A: The entire amount paid for the ticket, including non-refundable taxes, should be refunded.
Q7: In what case is the Sasta Refund fee refundable?
A: It is refundable only in the case of involuntary cancellation.
Q8: How is the Sasta Refund fee handled in case of partial involuntary cancellation of a return flight?
A: If Sasta Refund is still valid (i.e., the first leg has not departed), the FC fees will be divided and refunded accordingly.
Q9: If a user modifies their booking free of cost due to involuntary cancellation, should the Sasta Refund fee be refunded?
A: No, if the user modifies their booking for free through us or the airline (within the same airline), the Sasta Refund fee should not be returned.
Q10: What happens to the N9 tax when a user purchases SastaFlex for domestic and international tickets?
A: The N9 tax is also refundable where applicable.
Q11: If a flight is canceled or the airline changes the schedule, and the customer accepts an alternate flight that later gets canceled or disrupted, will the ST-FC amount be refunded or remain non- refundable?
A: Yes, the ST-FC amount is refundable in such cases.
Q12: If a flight is involuntarily canceled and the airline does not refund N9 taxes, will the N9 tax along with the ST-FC amount be refunded to the customer?
A: No, the N9 tax remains non-refundable.
Q13: If we are unable to provide the product to the customer for any reason, whether for a ticketed or unticketed reservation, will the ST-FC amount also be refunded?
A: Yes, the ST-FC amount is refundable.
Q14: If a ticket is partially used and the second leg is canceled or rescheduled by the carrier, will the ST-FC amount be partially refunded?
A: No, the ST-FC amount remains non-refundable in such cases.
Q15: If an airline changes the flight schedule and the customer accepts alternate flight, will Sasta Refund still apply if they later request a cancellation or modification before the new flight's departure?
A: Yes, the ST-FC remains valid in such cases.
Q16: If an order is voided due to an incorrect name format, layover, visa validity issues, or a voluntary cancellation where the void option is available, should the ST-FC feature amount be refunded or adjusted into a new booking?
A: No, in these cases, do not refund or adjust the ST-FC amount.
Q17: Should the full amount (including ST-FC) be refunded or adjusted into the customer's new order when voiding the ticket, in cases where Umrah visa passengers have a layover of less than 3 to 6 hours in any KSA city?
A: Yes, when voiding the ticket in Umrah transit cases, the full amount, including ST-FC, should be refunded or adjusted into the customer's new order.
Q18: If for any reason, we are unable to provide the product to the customer and the GDS deducts a void fee when canceling the reservation, should we refund both the STFC amount and the void fee to the customer ?
A: Yes, we are going to refund both void fee along with ST-FC amount to the customer.
سستا ریفنڈ (ST-FC) سے متعلق اکثر پوچھے جانے والے سوالات